Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is sandpaper good to get rid of acne scars, pimples, whiteheads, blackheads?

What you are talking about is dermabrasion.

Dermabrasion is a drastic way to reduce acne scars and to smoothen away wrinkles. The top layer of skin is sloughed off to reveal younger, softer, smoother skin beneath. First, the surgeon applies a local anaesthetic. Then the surgeon uses an abrading instrument to ';sandpaper'; the skin in circular motions.

There is a risk of scarring should the skin be abraded too deeply. In some cases, discolouration can occur. Hence, the surgeon's skill is important. The surgeon has to abrade deep enough to make a difference, but not so deep as to scar the patient.

After the procedure, the skin is treated like a wound. The patient would generally take 7 to 10 days to recover after the dermabrasion. The skin would feel sunburned and may be slightly swollen, bright pink and uncomfortable for a few days after the treatment. The final results can be dramatic. Especially on fine lines on the mouth and other deep wrinkles that come with aging. Acne scars, especially the ones left by cystic acne might not be completely removed through dermabrasion. Still, dermabrasion can soften the scars and reduce their appearance. Skin discoloration can be effectively removed with dermabrasion. For details, check with the surgeons you are considering for the procedure and request to see before and after photos of your surgeon's work.

Dermabrasion might be too drastic for some people. There's a gentler alternative, known as micro dermabrasion. Both Dermabrasion and micro dermabrasion require repeat treatments for optimal results as well as to maintain the results.

In Micro dermabrasion, micro particles are blasted onto the skin to slough off the dead skin cells and reveal the younger skin beneath. It is like sandplasting a surface smooth. Alternatively, a diamond tipped device may be used instead of crystal so slough off the top layer of the skin. The effects, though not as dramatic as dermabrasion, are excellent for treating acne as well as making the skin smoother. Micro dermabrasion is basically very efficient exfoliation. It treats acne at its root - by unclogging the pores. It also works on fine lines and wrinkles. Is sandpaper good to get rid of acne scars, pimples, whiteheads, blackheads?
Water is natures secret for dewy-fresh skin!

I know it is hard to do but try to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day and eat fluid rich fruits and vegetables. Water will flush any impurities from your body.

Don't smoke or drink alcohol this will make things worse.

Eggs. Smooth on a film of vitamin E (from a pierced capsule), wait 30 minutes, then apply a coating of whisked egg white.

Pears have a disinfectant, drawing action when peeled,cored,mashed, and used as a 10 minute facial pack.

Black heads:- EPSOM SALT AND IODINE: Bring 1/2 cup water to a boil, stir in 1 teaspoon of epsom salt and 3 drops of iodine. Dip strips of absrobant cotton in the slightly cooled solution, place them over infested areas and cover with a dry washcloth to retain the heat. Repeat two or three times, reheating the liquid if necessary. After popping out the blackheads go over your face with clean face cloth.

Good luckIs sandpaper good to get rid of acne scars, pimples, whiteheads, blackheads?
oh my god, NO! that would make your face look 100 times worse. sandpaper, being very rough, would maybe scrub away the tops of your acne, but the clogged pores would still be there. also your face would rough and red. get a facial scrub from a drugstore instead or a acne creme. even better; go to a dermatologist.

it will destroy your skin

rub lemons on your face to get rid of acne scars

the clinique acne solutions system is AMAZING for pimples and whiteheads

as for blackheads

use biore blackhead extracting sheets to get rid of them

i don't think so!

unless you wan to do that i think that might hurt a little!

if its driving you that crazy see a dermatologist.

[= hope i help

Clean you face at least twice a day with a good cleanse and then use an astringent to clean and close pores.

sandpaper would leave more scars and do more harm than good.
use the the wave (neutrogena)this stuff is the best face cleanser ive ever used !! :)

wow thats the craziest thing i've heard. get a face scrub or something..

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