what inexpensive products work for anyone else with my problem? i'm so sick of it!I have lots of blackheads, scarring and get 2-3 pimples every week and i'm over 40!! when will it stop?
HI EllieB
Here are some ideas to heal the issue. Learn about nutrition, intake of water, and cleansing your system for long term health.
Quick Action Plan for Acne
1. Massage your skin, where needed, with bergamot, camphor, geranium, juniper, lavender, or neroli essential oils.
2. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend making a paste of 陆 tsp each of turmeric and sandalwood paste with enough water, and applying to pimples. Also, drink half a cup of aloe vera juice twice daily until acne clears.
3. Eat an organic whole foods diet, with plenty of organic cooked and raw vegetables, and whole fruits. Reduce animal fats and stressor foods such as caffeine, refined sugars, and alcohol, as well as colas, candies, and frozen and processed foods. Include more high fiber foods.
4. Drink eight glasses of pure, filtered water daily. Also, daily have two glasses of raw juice, combining carrot, beet, and celery juice, or, carrot, cucumber, and lettuce (not iceberg), and spinach, with carrot predominating.
5. Add 3-5 drops of crab apple flower essence to pure water and drink during the day. Rescue Remedy庐 is good for stress.
6. Combine the tinctures of herbs such as sarsaparilla, burdock, and cleavers in equal parts, taking 陆 tsp three times a day. Drink an infusion of nettle several times a day and apply tea tree oil topically. An infusion of calendula mixed with equal parts of distilled witch hazel can be used as a cleansing wash. Steam sauna your face with red clover, lavender, and strawberry leaves.
7. Useful homeopathy remedies are Pulsatilla, Silicea, Berberis, Ledum, Sulfur, Arsen alb., Belladonna, and/or Carbo veg.
8. Enjoy full body immersion hydrotherapy treatments such as steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation, hot and/or cold compresses, and steam sauna your face with red clover, lavender, and strawberry leaves.
9. Useful supplements are vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin B complex, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. Also include omega-3 fatty acids, brewer's yeast, chlorophyll, and pancreatic enzymes with meals.
10. Expose your face to sun and air at least 30 minutes a day, and exercise daily. Keep your skin clean by washing your face three times a day with soap made from the herb calendula officinalis, or using other alternatives to soap. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. Squeezing pimples or whiteheads may cause infection. Keep the skin free of oil and use water-based products. Get sufficient sleep.
11. Make facial masks from natural products; leave on overnight to help dry the skin if acne is caused by excess oil.
12. For long term relief and health be sure to do a colon cleanse. This clears out the toxins in the blood and excess waste in the body. Colon cleansing will healp clear up a lot of issue, expecially acne.
Acne may be worsened at adolescence, during the pre-menstrual and/or mid-menstrual cycle due to hormonal action, and when under stress, on contraceptives, eating a poor diet that causes an over acidic system, or taking prescription and non-prescription drugs.
Blackheads can form when the oil combines with skin pigments and gets trapped. Blackheads may suggest the need for better hygiene, or magnesium and vitamin A. Chronic, numerous whiteheads can also form during acne outbreaks, suggesting vitamin B1 deficiency or absorption problems. Consistent raised spots on the outside of the arms and sometimes even the thighs, resembling ';chicken skin,'; may suggest need for magnesium, vitamin A, or essential fatty acids or the need to avoid foods that inhibit the absorption of these nutrients, such as trans-fatty acids found in margarine and hydrogenated oils, such as cottonseed oil and palm kernel oil.
Food allergies, allergies to facial creams, soaps, shampoos, makeup, and excess intake of refined sugars, can all cause or contribute to acne. Certain foods can also aggravate acne conditions because of their high-acid forming effects on the body, especially fried foods, trans fats, iodized salt, alcohol, hot and spicy foods, all processed foods, chocolate, fruit juices, carbonated beverages, caffeinated beverages, and dairy products. Excessive long-term intake of seafood or other high iodine foods may also cause acne in some people.
Coexisting gum problems suggest the need for folic acid. A separate acne condition may occur in women 30-40 years old due to physical exercising or working all day with face makeup, lowered resistance due to stress, or hyper-response to bacteria or hormone problems. Another acne problem, acne rosacea (reddish spots in a pattern over nose and cheeks), may be a sign of low B vitamins or low hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Best of health to youI have lots of blackheads, scarring and get 2-3 pimples every week and i'm over 40!! when will it stop?
nothing that i know of inexpensive. do you use moisturizer? lack of moisture in the skin can lead to acne, especially if you use strong astringents. chemical peels will give you good results but they are not inexpensive.
Proactiv. its works wonderfully
Hmm... if you are over 40 you really need to go to a doctor for that. The stuff on the shelves are meant for teenagers. There is some kind of bacteria that is on your skin that makes you break out, acne vulagris (seriously). My cousin has the same thing, the doctor will be able to prescribe you some extra strength meds. If you don't want to go to the doc, try proactiv.
Acne depends upon your system. I have NEVER used anything over the counter that works for me...it may be bacterial for you as well as it is for me. And, I hate to tell you this but nothing OTC that is cheap will assist if it is bacterial. Proactive is wonderful for kids and SOME adults...I have tried tetracycline, retin-a, etc. The only thing that assisted and took everything away was Accutane...you need to see a dermatologist to get it.
Go get microdermabrasions...they work wonders on the skin. They cost money, but ask yourself if its worth it!
zits could break out as long as you're alive. as young as 8 or as old as 80.
tea tree oil, get a cotton ball, dip it in hot/warm water
put a few drops of tea tree oil. use on your face.
salicylic acid.
buy from your local drugstore. get a q-tip, dip it in and dab on affected areas. it will dry out in 2 or 3 days.
What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into acne. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly acne.
Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:
Good luck.
P.S. I also know someone who used to suffer from severe acne for 14 YEARS and finally got rid of it completely. She's sharing her story at her site:
Maybe you could learn from her inspirational story
my mother has the same problem! she uses a product from a website called www.club-cleo.com , works well! She's also over 40
Don't eat chocolates stay out of the sun and eat lots of bananas keep your face clean dont touch your face ever.
I have to agree that Pro-Activ solution is the way to go... it is unbelievable - what you see in the ads is true!!
Other things to do is drink plenty of water, and keep your diet healthy.
For the black heads the pore strips that ponds and biore make are fantastic. Nutrimetics also make a cream that does a similar thing - dries and draws the black heads out when you pull it off.
if you have adult acne the best thing to do is to go to dermatologist (especially if you have insurance). They can prescribe a medication that is right for you (especially if you tied some over-the counter products) you might have to complete an antibiotic course (like minocyclin) or will be prescribed some washesor creams (like Retin-A, Sulfur wash and similar products) Good luck!
haha i had the same problem ok, tmw pick up VITAMIN E from a CVS or local pharmacy, then biotin pills. After that treatment by a skin milk product called FACE MILK to cleasnse it then, a lightening product to get ride of the mark. ITS WORKS LIKE A CHARM, it changed my life and i feel like a fresh person
For some of us it never stops. If your doctor will prescribe it Retin A works very well on pimples and blackheads. Plus, it brightens the complexion. It's usually only $20 per tube.
I'm the same way!!! My complexion was beautiful when I was younger but now, all of a sudden, I seem to be breaking out more and instead of little zits I get huge pimples! I think it's mostly hormonal but I've been using Clean %26amp; Clear oil free foaming facial cleanser that seems to be helping a little bit.
try making a mask with powdered oats and baking soda with water.........
Maintain a diet that is rich in cottage cheese, salads,fresh juices,fish and yogurt.These help to cleanse your system and ward off pimples.More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/ Check out http://useinfo-blackhead.blogspot.com/ for more useful tips to control blackheads.
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